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The latest posts and insights about Ambassador Labs - our products, our ecosystem, as well as voices from across our community.

Canary Deployments, A/B testing, and Microservices

Edge Stack API Gateway

Canary Deployments, A/B testing, and Microservices using Edge Stack

Canary deployments are a popular technique for incrementally testing changes on real-world traffic. In a traditional application, canary deployments occur on the granularity of the entire application. This limits the utility of canary deployments, as a single feature cannot be tested against real-world traffic. With a microservices architecture, this is no longer the case. A single service team is able to test their updates with real-world users. Unlike a monolith, a microservices team is able to:

February 13, 2017 | 4 min read
Monitoring Envoy and Edge Stack on Kubernetes

Edge Stack API Gateway

Monitoring Envoy and Edge Stack on Kubernetes with the Prometheus Operator

With the Prometheus Operator In the Kubernetes ecosystem, one of the emerging themes is how applications can best take advantage of the various capabilities of Kubernetes. The Kubernetes community has also introduced new concepts, such as Custom Resources, to make it easier to build Kubernetes-native software. In late 2016, CoreOS introduced the Operator pattern and released the Prometheus Operator as a working pattern example. The Prometheus Operator automatically creates and manages Prometheus monitoring instances.

February 7, 2017 | 7 min read
Telepresence on Windows


Getting Started with Telepresence on Windows

Telepresence is a powerful open source tool that allows you to code and test a service locally against a remote Kubernetes cluster. This allows you to quickly build and debug a local service that is dependent on a large number of remote services and resource-hungry remote middleware or databases. Telepresence is now available in developer preview for Windows and in this guide, you will learn how to install Telepresence and create an “intercept” to route traffic from your cluster to your local environment on Windows machines. Before you begin This article assumes that you have your own remote cluster with an application deployed that uses the microservices architecture and you want to intercept (or re-route) traffic to a service in that cluster. If you do not have your own cluster but would like to try Telepresence you can follow this quickstart with a free demo cluster from Ambassador Labs.

January 31, 2017 | 8 min read
4 Strategies for Managing AWS Costs

Managing AWS Costs

4 Strategies for Managing AWS Costs with Reserved Instances

Managing AWS Costs with Reserved Instances AWS reserved instances are an economical way to reduce your AWS costs. Here at Ambassador Labs, we’ve adopted some basic strategies for optimizing our costs. These strategies are designed for companies that don’t want to invest a lot of tools and technologies in optimizing cost, yet want to make sure things don’t get out of control. Here’s our list of strategies:

December 16, 2016 | 2 min read
Circuit Breakers and Microservices

Microservices, Circuit Breakers

Circuit Breakers and Microservices

Kevin Marks / November 3, 2016 Making microservices resilient and self-healing A worry that people have when moving to microservices from a monolithic application is that there are more moving parts where something can go wrong; that a problem with any of the services will take everything down.

November 3, 2016 | 9 min read
Guide to Microservices


An Illustrated Guide to Microservices

An Illustrated Guide to Microservices This talk explains key principles, costs, and benefits of microservices and shows via a series of live demos and working examples how to extend a Python application to quickly and easily benefit from migrating to a microservices architecture.

August 25, 2016 | 1 min read