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Secure Instances on Blackbird

All deployments and mocks endpoint are publically available by default. In order to secure your endpoints, we can use secure APIKeys to add required header key value pairs for requests to reach our endpoints.

Creating a Secure Key

First step is to create an secure APIKey. Note: Please make sure you save the APIKey header value since you won't be able to view them after creation.

Once the APIKey is created, we can double check that creation was successful with the list command.

Enabling a Secure Key

There are two ways to enable an APIKey. The first is with the enable command and the second is on creation of an instance.

Security on an Existing Instance

If we already have an instance that is created, we want to use the APIKey enable command for security.

Enabling Security on Instance Creation

If we don't have an instance yet, we can enable and create an secure APIKey upon creation of an instance. Please read the mock and deployment documentation for further assitance.

At this point you will be prompted to enter a value for the APIKey header.

Disabling a Secure Key

To disable an secure APIKey, we can use the disable command

Deleting a Secure Key