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This reference provides a list of commands, arguments, and flags you can use to work with APIs in Blackbird.

blackbird api create

Creates an API within Blackbird.

Required arguments


The name of the API you're creating.

Required flags

-s, –-spec-path=STRING

The path to an OpenAPI file.


The following example creates an API named Simple API using the OpenAPI file located at ./simple-api.yaml.

blackbird api list

Lists the name, slug name, spec file, and user who created the API for each API matching the given API slug name. If no name is given, all APIs will be returned.

Optional arguments

slug name

The slug name of the API for which you want to see details.


The following example returns details for all APIs.

The following example returns details for an API named "simple-api".

blackbird api update

Updates an existing API in Blackbird.

Required arguments


The name of the API you want to update.

Required flags

-s, –-spec-path=STRING

The path to an OpenAPI file.


The following example updates an existing API named "Simple API" using the OpenAPI file located at ./simple-api-updated.yaml.

blackbird api delete

Deletes an API. If the API is associated with any mocks or deployments, a prompt will display asking if you want to remove all associated instances.

Required arguments

slug name

The slug name of the API you want to delete.


The following example deletes the API named "simple-api".