This reference provides a list of commands, arguments, and flags you can use to work with mock instances in Blackbird.
blackbird mock create
Creates a new mock using an existing API or a file path to an OpenAPI specification.
Required arguments
The name of the new mock instance.
Optional flags
, --api-name=STRING
The slug name of the existing API you want to use to create the mock instance.
Enables an existing API key header for the mock. After enabling an API key header for a mock, all future requests to the mock must contain the API key header.
-s, --spec-path=STRING
The path to the OpenAPI file you want to use to create the mock instance. Use this flag if you're creating a mock instance for an API that you didn't create using Blackbird.
The following example creates a mock named "simple-api-mock" from an existing API with the slug name "simple-api".
The following example creates a mock named "simple-api-mock" from an OpenAPI specification file.
blackbird mock list
Lists the name, type, status, API key headers, URL, and user who created the mock for every mock in your organization.
blackbird mock update
Updates an existing mock instance for an API.
Required arguments
The name of the mock instance you want to update.
Optional flags
, --api-name=STRING
The slug name of the existing API you want to use to update the mock instance.
Enables an existing API key header for the mock. After enabling an API key header for a mock, all future requests to the mock must contain the API key header.
, --spec-path=STRING
The path to an OpenAPI file to update the mock instance with.
The following example updates an existing mock named "simple-api-mock" using the existing API with the slug name "another-api".
blackbird mock delete
Deletes a mock instance for an API. If the mock instance is associated with an API, a prompt will appear asking if you want to remove all associated APIs.
Required arguments
The name of the mock instance you want to delete.
The following example deletes the mock named "simple-api-mock".
blackbird mock config get name
Obtains the configuration of a mock instance.
Required arguments
The name of the mock instance.
The following example returns the configuration for the mock instance named "simple-api-mock".
blackbird mock config set name
Sets the configuration of a mock instance.
Required arguments
The name of the mock instance.
configuration parameters
The configuration parameters you want to set.
The following example disables dynamic data generation for the mock instance named "simple-api-mock".