2 min • read


With Emissary-ingress Diagnostics and Ambassador Cloud, you get a summary of the current status and Mappings of your cluster and it's services, which gets displayed in Diagnostics Overview.


Can't access Emissary-ingress Diagnostics Overview?

Create an Ambassador Module if one does not already exist, and add the following config to enable diagnostics data.

apiVersion: getambassador.io/v3alpha1
kind: Module
name: ambassador
enabled: true

Next, ensure that the AES_REPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_TO_CLOUD environment variable is set to "true" on the Agent deployment to allow diagnostics information to be reported to the cloud.

# Namespace and deployment name depend on your current install
kubectl set env deployment/edge-stack-agent -n ambassador AES_REPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_TO_CLOUD="true"

Finally, set the AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL environment variable to "http://emissary-ingress-admin:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true"

# Namespace, deployment name, and pod url/port depend on your current install
kubectl set env deployment/edge-stack-agent -n ambassador AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL="http://emissary-ingress-admin:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true"

After setting up AES_DIAGNOSTICS_URL, you can access diagnostics information by using the same URL value.

Still can't see Emissary-ingress Diagnostics?

Do a port forward on your Emissary-ingress pod

# Namespace, deployment name, and pod url/port depend on your current install
kubectl port-forward edge-stack-76f785767-n2l2v -n ambassador 8877

You will be able to access the diagnostics overview page by going to http://localhost:8877/ambassador/v0/diag/

Emissary-ingress not routing your services as expected?

You will need to examine the logs and Emissary-ingress pod status. See Debugging for more information.

Need support for your API Gateway?