DocsTelepresence OSS
Provider Prerequisites for Traffic Manager
Provider Prerequisites for Traffic Manager
Firewall Rules for private clusters
A GKE cluster with private networking will come preconfigured with firewall rules that prevent the Traffic Manager's
webhook injector from being invoked by the Kubernetes API server.
For Telepresence to work in such a cluster, you'll need to add a firewall rule allowing the Kubernetes masters to access TCP port 8443
in your pods.
For example, for a cluster named tele-webhook-gke
in region us-central1-c1
$ gcloud container clusters describe tele-webhook-gke --region us-central1-c | grep masterIpv4CidrBlockmasterIpv4CidrBlock: # Take note of the IP range,$ gcloud compute firewall-rules list \--filter 'name~^gke-tele-webhook-gke' \--format 'table(name,network,direction,sourceRanges.list():label=SRC_RANGES,allowed[].map().firewall_rule().list():label=ALLOW,targetTags.list():label=TARGET_TAGS)'NAME NETWORK DIRECTION SRC_RANGES ALLOW TARGET_TAGSgke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-all tele-webhook-net INGRESS esp,ah,sctp,tcp,udp,icmp gke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-nodegke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-master tele-webhook-net INGRESS tcp:10250,tcp:443 gke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-nodegke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-vms tele-webhook-net INGRESS icmp,tcp:1-65535,udp:1-65535 gke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-node# Take note fo the TARGET_TAGS value, gke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-node$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create gke-tele-webhook-gke-webhook \--action ALLOW \--direction INGRESS \--source-ranges \--rules tcp:8443 \--target-tags gke-tele-webhook-gke-33fa1791-node --network tele-webhook-netCreating firewall...⠹Created [].Creating firewall...done.NAME NETWORK DIRECTION PRIORITY ALLOW DENY DISABLEDgke-tele-webhook-gke-webhook tele-webhook-net INGRESS 1000 tcp:8443 False
GKE Authentication Plugin
Starting with Kubernetes version 1.26 GKE will require the use of the gke-gcloud-auth-plugin. You will need to install this plugin to use Telepresence with Docker while using GKE.
EKS Authentication Plugin
If you are using AWS CLI version earlier than 1.16.156
you will need to install aws-iam-authenticator.
You will need to install this plugin to use Telepresence with Docker while using EKS.