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Creating a Productive Kubernetes Local Development Environment

Tools, practices, and configuration for creating an effective local development loop when building and deploying apps to Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Local Development Environment

Ask any developer what their top priority is when working with a new application or new technology stack and they will point to creating an effective Kubernetes local development environment. This is primarily focused on installing all of the tools they need to be productive. The goal is always to get a fast development feedback loop that is as production-like as possible.

Although the goal remains the same when working with cloud native technologies, when adopting containers and Kubernetes there are a few more tools to install and configurations to tweak.

This guide applies to a developer simply experimenting with Kubernetes and also a new engineer onboarding onto a team deploying onto Kubernetes. The quicker a developer can get their local development environment configured, the quicker they can ship code to production. The gold standard is to ship code on the first day.

From Local Development to Remote Deployment

Before Kubernetes

Before cloud native architecture became the dominant approach to designing, deploying, and releasing software the local development story was much simpler.

Typically a developer would install the language runtime on their machine, download the application source code, and build and run the (often monolithic) application locally via their favorite IDE.

After Kubernetes

As applications and the underlying frameworks increased in complexity, the start time of an app in development increased. This often resulted in a slow coding feedback loop. This led to many web frameworks, IDEs, or custom tools enabling “hot reloading.” This capability allows code changes to be quickly visible (and testable) via the locally running application, without the need for a redeployment or restart.

The rise in popularity of containers and Kubernetes has introduced more layers into a typical tech stack. There are clear advantages in relation to this, such as isolation and fault tolerance, but this has also meant that the local development setup has increased in complexity.

Number of Services
1 (or a small number)
Local Infra Required
Potentially a VM (controlled via Vagrant etc.)
Rebuild and Deploy via
Hot Reload
Included in app framework
Integration Testing
External services via mocks, sandboxes, etc.
Connecting to Remote Test Environment

Test Locally, Run Remotely—No Redeploys

Being able to effectively configure a local development test environment for services deployed in Kubernetes is not dependent on a single technique. A combination of approaches is required:

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