Explore Kubernetes Advantages with Edge Stack Beyond Scalability

Benefits of Running on Kubernetes with Edge Stack
Why Choose Edge Stack on Kubernetes?
When considering a platform that can handle vast amounts of traffic, Kubernetes often comes to mind. That's fantastic because Kubernetes is the right tool for the job! However, there are compelling reasons to think about Kubernetes even if scaling isn't a current concern.
Benefits of Running on Kubernetes with Edge Stack
Adopting K8s with Edge Stack API Gateway offers numerous benefits that can enhance your workflow, making it faster, safer, and more automated. Here are some key advantages:
- Centralized Control and Simplified Management Kubernetes with Edge Stack allows for centralized control over routing, redirects, header, and request manipulation. This keeps messy hacks out of the code and ensures a clean, efficient workflow.
- Effortless Test Bed Creation Easily spin up and discard test environments for new ideas, making developers more productive and happier. Continuous integration (CI) becomes a comfort, not an additional workload, providing a safety net for your projects.
- Scalability for Future Growth Scaling is inevitable for any growing business. Edge Stack prepares you for future needs, ensuring your platform can handle increased traffic when the time comes.
Why Choose Edge Stack on Kubernetes?
- Embrace CI/CD Workflows Ambassador Edge Stack includes a MicroCD Pipeline for managing infrastructure in a versioned repository. Automation fosters safety and transparency, encouraging teams to adopt CI/CD practices.
- Cost-Effective Experimentation Developers can quickly test new ideas without worrying about sunk costs. This reduces friction and accelerates innovation, enabling rapid iteration from testing to production.
- Safe Self-Service for Developers With a centralized source of truth, developers can safely manage routes, mappings, and environments. Edge Stack empowers developers to own their services, enhancing transparency and reducing errors.
- Simplified Microservices Management Decouple critical parts of your codebase to improve performance. Experiment with different runtimes and languages using Edge Stack on Kubernetes to optimize efficiency.
All these benefits are available for you to explore right now. Even if you don't need to scale to hundreds or thousands of requests per second, you can still leverage many features and workflows that come with operating in a Kubernetes environment with Edge Stack.